Intro - My First Blog Post
Thank you for looking at my new website, created by myself, which was a helluva lot harder than it should have been. Anyway, it’s done now and I’m super pleased with it and I hope you find the information contained within of interest. You’ve landed on my blog page so let me explain what I want to achieve with my ramblings.
I’m aiming to write at least one blog post per month answering the questions that I’m asked on a regular basis by my trainees, gym goers, industry colleagues and general fitness enthusiasts that I come across through my day to day activities as a personal trainer. Disclaimer - all opinions are my own based on the experience I’ve gained through fifteen years in the industry and completing over 14,000 personal training sessions (as of 1st January 2019) . I’ll only be writing about subjects relating to health, fitness and wellbeing so don’t worry, this blog won’t be a stream of consciousness or a vehicle that I can use to vent or moan. The general objective is to educate and inform anybody that shows an interest in changing their lifestyle to achieve their health and fitness goals, whatever they may be.
I hope you enjoy my writing and if you have any questions please feel free to contact me via email at; Also, please excuse my convict like photo. I’m told I’m really not scary in real life…
Thanks again for reading…