How Should I Get Rid Of A Cold Virus?
My cold remedy of choice…
It’s that time of year when I start getting texts and phone calls from my trainees saying they can’t make their training because they’ve got a cold / flu / virus. I’ve had some weeks when I’ve been down nearly fifty percent of my scheduled appointments. Peak cold/flu season seems to be when the weather changes and people start putting their heating on for the first time after summer. I was going to do a blog on how you an avoid contracting a virus in the first place but, apart from not shaking hands with anybody what so ever (that’s the most common way to contract a virus apparently) and not venturing out of your house, I really can’t answer that question.
However, if you do get a cold virus here are my tips on how to recover as soon as possible.
You need to conserve energy and let your body use that energy to let it’s natural defences fight off the virus. You shouldn’t go to work and definitely don’t exercise. If you don’t rest you won’t your body won’t have enough energy to fight and it’ll stay around for a lot longer. Generally, it takes around ten days to fully fight off a cold virus. I would certainly suggest that when the virus initially hits, have the first few days off work and then a complete week off from training. I’ve known people to have colds for months as they won’t rest and fight it off properly. Not only is this awful and horrifically frustrating for them but they also tend to give the virus to everyone else. This is selfish and annoying.
Try and get more sleep than usual as this is, without doubt, the body’s best form of rest and recovery. Your body can battle harder than any other time when you’re asleep. its at this time it can focus primarily on beating the virus. It does a lot of other stuff sleep when you sleep too (as mentioned in a previous blog) but these bodily functions use very little energy so the body can specifically tackle the nasty bug.
Keep inside in the warm, if possible, but make sure it’s well ventilated and it doesn’t get too hot and stuffy. If you’re at a nice comfortable temperature your body can relax and once again, focus its energy to the task in hand.
I’m not talking about hitting the booze, infact you should stay away from it until you’ve fully recovered. I recommend that you drink lots of water as you sweat so much more when you’re ill. Drinking more water will replace these lost fluids.
Personally, I hit the Lemsips when I feel I’ve got a cold coming (see above pic). They really work for me. However, you should consult your local chemist in trying to find your best remedy as it depends on what kind of virus you may have. Whether that remedy be; cough medicine, the various de-congestants available, paracetomols, aspirin, throat lozengers, vitamin tablets, herbal remedies. Take whatever is recommended or whatever usually works for you. I’m also partial to a bit of Original Lucazde (as it stabilises my blood sugar) and high dose soluble vitamin C tablets (for the anti-oxidant content).
I take this cocktail every morning to keep the bugs away…
Because you’re fighting off a virus your metabolism will increase so it’s important that you eat properly. Three good meals a day to stabilise your blood sugar and give you sustained energy. Also, plenty of fruit and veg to give you lots of disease fighting anti-oxidants which your body will appreciate whilst its warring with the cold virus.
Pick up some broccoli from your local supermarket! Packed with vitamin C!
It’s difficult not to feel sorry for yourself when you’re feeling poorly however trying to stay positive will help you recover quicker. When I’m ill (not very often I hasten to add) I will be nice to myself (my own personal form of self care) and will glue myself to my sofa and binge watch boxsets all day. It certainly takes my mind off feeling so rough.
I sincerely hope you don’t catch a cold however, if you do, I hope this post helps you recover super quickly.